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CDFrontEnd order page (offer ends January 30th)! 
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Now that PayPal is widely know and accepts all credit cards without the need to be PayPal member, we switched from SWREG/MyCommerce and Kagi to PayPal. 
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ebooks authoring and publishing software 
easy and professional software for great people! 
CD FrontEnd is a VisualVision software. 
Versions, bundles... more information 
Other easy tools from Visual Vision: 
create an autorun CDROM with your stuff. CD Front End. 
*limited offer 
Create a CD/Web catalog, autoinstall CDs
CD Front End is a Visual Vision product 
We've had an Internet presence since 1996, and have been selling online since 1998 
We are proud members of the ASP, Association of Software Professionals since 1999 
CDFrontEnd™, ©2018 Visual Vision®, leader in hypertext software