CDFrontEnd is the most advanced, yet easy-to-use, visual tool for creating autorun CD presentations, and for the autoplay of any kind of file. You can create an auto run CD presentation with one click, with “File >Create autorun CD in temporary folder...”.
CD FrontEnd’s intuitive easy-start environment requires no more technical skills than a common word processor, yet offers so much more! The features provided to the CD's end user are very powerful but there's more than this: CDFrontEnd is handy for you, the author, too. You work with a single document, for editing, archive, publishing and even for searches and revisions. The interface is fast and easy to use, thanks to the innovative WYSIWYL™ (What You See Is What You Link):
The WYSIWYG editor gives you an incredible number of visual options. You can create frames with drag & drop.
Yes, when you start with CDFrontEnd you immediately feel in control with the familiar word processor style tools:
The paragraph toolbar: note that you can use styles just like in MS Word, and so ensure all your documentation has a consistent look and feel.
The format toolbar.
The page toolbar.
easy and professional software for great people!
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Take advantage of our great offers and be productive in minutes. [electronic edition, click here for the order page...]
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The fastest way for starting with CDFE is to get the fast PDF manual [click here]
Read the manual online [click here]
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This trial CD has been created with CDFrontEnd.
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